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Discover the Healing Power
of the
Spirit Drum and Rattle

Embody the Healing Resonance of the Spirit Drum and Rattle.  Deepen your connection, access your intuition, discover your true essence and power as a creator being.  Discover how to live in beauty as you live life in a sacred and connected way.

We offer 3 Pathways to Discovery



Online Programs

Our online programs offer the opportunity for you to discover Drum, Voice and Rattle Medicine in the comfort of your own home.  We have courses that are both self paced and ones that are done in a group with live Zoom sessions.

All our courses include Masterclasses, Video Lessons, Audio journeys and songs, deepening questions and worksheets. 


Click below to discover our current online offerings.


In Person Trainings

We offer in-depth in-person trainings.  There are 5 different levels of training, for anyone who has or works with a Spirit Drum through to Professional Facilitation level. 

Many people are drawn to the Spirit Drum, but few really get the opportunity to gain the full benefit that these amazing Medicine Tools offer.  Spirit Drums are often used as adjunctives to other work, as they are such powerful and supportive creations.  Many times the knowledge of how these amazing instruments work, and how to work with them safely and effectively is not taught or known.  These trainings have come into being to bring this knowledge to everyone that works with a Spirit Drum on a Personal or Professional Level.


For More info on the various levels, click on the button below.



I offer various Events, from Spirit Drum and Rattle Making Weekend workshops and Live-in Retreats to 1 day Workshops on working with the Spirit Drum and Rattle. 

Sacred Creation is a process of creating with purpose and intention, connecting to and weaving the elements together to birth through a Medicine tool that can support you on your journey to self discovery.

Workshops and Retreats offer you the opportunity to Experience and Feel the incredible Resonance of these Medicine Tools and  to access your own Sacred Instrument, your Voice.


For Up-coming events, click below.

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