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Our Retreats

We are delighted to extend a heartfelt invitation to join us in 2024 for our In-Person Retreats, that promise to be transformative and enriching experiences.

We offer 2 different retreats, the 'Healing Drum and Rattle Making Retreat,' and "The Resonant Heart Beat Retreat".  

The Healing Drum and Rattle Making Retreat offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the process of Sacred Creation, where you'll have the chance to craft your own Spirit Drum and Rattle, infusing your energy into these instruments of profound significance.  This retreat is designed to be a harmonious blend of creativity and healing, taking you through the process of connecting deeply to the natural world through ceremony and guiding you through the process of birthing your Sacred Drum and Rattle.  Under the guidance of experienced facilitator Tamaryn, with 20 years experience, you'll explore the therapeutic power of sound, tapping into ancient traditions that promote wellness and self-discovery.

The Resonant Heart Beat Retreat is an event that promises to be a rhythmic journey into the depths of your soul. Join us as we explore the profound connection between rhythm, spirit, and heart.  We will dive deep into Medicine of the Spirit Drum and Rattle, as we discover processes to access our inner wisdom and find balance and harmony within an ever changing world. This immersive experience will be led by skilled drummers and spiritual guides, creating an atmosphere where the heartbeat of the spirit drum resonates with the collective energy of the participants. It's a celebration of community, unity, and the universal language of drumming that transcends boundaries.

Both retreats are designed to offer not only skill-building and creative expression but also a space for personal growth, healing, and connection. We believe that the rhythm of the drum has the power to harmonize mind, body, and spirit, creating an environment conducive to self-discovery and transformation.

Don't miss this chance to be a part of something truly extraordinary. Join us in 2024 for 'The Healing Drum and Rattle Making Retreat' and 'The Resonant Heart Beat of the Spirit Drum,' and embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and community like never before. Your rhythm awaits!

Below are our current retreats, if you would like to host a retreat, please contact us at:

3 day live-in retreat to birth your Healing Drum and Rattle in deep connection and sacredness. You will create your very own Shamanic Medicine Drum and Rattle with a master drum maker. All Accomodation and Organic Vegetarian Meals included.


Embark on a transformative journey at 'The Resonant Heart Beat of the Spirit Drum Retreat'. Immerse yourself in the ancient wisdom of the Medicine Drum and Rattle, forging a profound connection with the rhythmic heartbeat of your soul.

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