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Welcome to The Healing Drum and Rattle Making Retreat

Step into the enchanting realm of The Healing Drum and Rattle Making Retreat, where the echoes of ancient traditions intertwine with the rhythm of your heartbeat.

About the Retreat

The Healing Drum and Rattle Making Retreat is a transformative and immersive experience that goes beyond the ordinary, providing participants with a unique opportunity to engage in the sacred process of creating their own Spirit Drum and Rattle. These instruments are not just artistic creations but are believed to hold profound significance as tools for spiritual and personal growth.

Day 1 - exploring our medicine, what we offer, connection to the materials and preparation and rattle stitching.

Day 2 - Dive deep into the depths, weaving, facing your challenge, what are you weaving into your life and what are you not.  Give away ceremony, to make space for the new.

Day 3 - Blossoming, completion, the beauty and the Awakening.

The process is much like the butterfly, day 1 is the caterpillar preparing itself , day 2 is the weaving of the canon, day 3 is the emergence and becoming the butterfly.

The retreat is carefully crafted to offer a harmonious blend of creativity and healing. It invites participants to delve into the process of Sacred Creation, where they actively participate in crafting their own instruments. The act of physically creating a Spirit Drum and Rattle becomes a means of infusing one's energy and intention into these objects, elevating them beyond mere artistry to become powerful conduits for personal expression and connection to the spiritual realm.

A central theme of the retreat is the deep connection to the natural world. Through ceremonial practices, participants are guided to connect with the profound energy of the Earth, fostering a sense of unity with nature. The process of crafting these sacred instruments becomes a spiritual journey, intertwining with the ancient wisdom of the natural world.

Tamaryn, the experienced facilitator with two decades of expertise, plays a pivotal role in guiding participants through this transformative experience. With her wealth of knowledge and understanding, she leads individuals on a path of self-discovery, using the medium of sound as a therapeutic tool. The retreat taps into ancient traditions that recognize the healing power of sound, emphasizing its role in promoting wellness and unlocking hidden aspects of the self.

In essence, The Healing Drum and Rattle Making Retreat is more than a crafting workshop. It is a sacred journey, a holistic experience that combines artistic expression, spiritual connection, and therapeutic exploration. Participants not only walk away with beautifully crafted instruments but also with a deeper understanding of themselves, a connection to ancient traditions, and a rejuvenated sense of well-being.

Healing Drum and Rattle Making Retreat - Hunter Valley

3 day live-in retreat to birth your Healing Drum and Rattle in deep connection and sacredness. You will create your very own Shamanic Medicine Drum and Rattle with a master drum maker. All Accomodation and Organic Vegetarian Meals included.

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